basic Finance Utilities for Python
- Python >= 3
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- Data Manager
- Automatic download data from Yahoo! Finance
- Get only interested information: dates and fields (Adj Close, Volume, ...)
- Serialization (pickle) of data with custom names
- Calculator Utils
- Present Value, Future Value
- Rates (Annual Rate)
- Efective Annual Return
- Number of Periods
- Total return
- Daily returns
- Sharpe ratio
- Date Utils: to handle open NYSE Dates
- open dates between two dates + back and forward windows
- add and substract dates
- Market Simulator: Simulates a list of orders
- Automatically download necessary data
- Can load the trades from a CSV file
- Can use custom list of orders (usually from the EventFinder)
PastEvent: Analysis of an specific event:
- Allows specific event window and estimation period
- Expected Returns
- Abnormal Returns
- Cumulative Abnormal Returns
EventFinder: Find events on data
MultipleEvent: Analysis of a list of events
- Allows specific event window and estimation period
- Expected Returns
- Abnormal Returns
- Cumulative Abnormal Returns
- Plot with error bars
Set the envvars:
to where you want the data to live.
to the Alpha Vantage API Key.