'My own monitoring'. Which is also a mix between 'monitoring', 'chown.me' (the domain I rent) and it kinda sounds like 'moan'.
Copy mownitoring.toml
in /etc/
and configure your machines and
their checks. Add the script in your crontab(1) if it suits your needs.
If you don't want to use the default path, you can call the script with your
config file as an argument: /path/to/mownitoring.py /path/to/mownitoring.toml
Python 3.6 and the following libraries: requests and toml. You also need check_nrpe (nrpe package on OpenBSD).
I don't have many machines to monitor nor I want a complex monitoring system. It just runs checks and sends notification if needed. Nothing more.
It parses the configuration and then for each service of each host, the script calls check_nrpe to get the return code and the message. If the return code is not 0 it sends a notification and stores the return code in a sqlite database. If the return code is different than the one stored, it sends a notification. It abides by the rule: You only notify once.
It also logs to syslog what is happening (but that's not really a notification system per se).
You don't. You only get a notification when the service status changes.