🐶 I’m interested in create projects to help friends and familly to improve their business around the web. It's a long way to the top, but I love it! 😁
- ✏️Notion Clone
- 😱Discord Clone
- 🏠Airbnb Clone
- 🧙♂️Dudes AI
- 🪅Spotify Clone
- 🦄4-Frame
- 🎫Ticket-App-SocketIO
- 🐥CRM
- 🗺️My-cutie-maps
- 🎸Bandnames
- 🚙SolidCamper Store
- 💸Cripto-App
- 🗓️MernCalendar
♣️ Black Jack
👾 I’m looking to collaborate on ReactJS projects as a Front End developer.
💀 Do you want to reach me? 👇