CLI that attaches role based access controls automatically that sees what pods are running in different namespaces to directly create and assign user components from json object or list/csv import.
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Install MySQL
Install Go 1.5.x, git, setup
Setup MySQL database.
go get cd $GOPATH/src/ ./scripts/db-bootstrap
Run the server
cd $GOPATH/src/ go run main.go
HTTP_ADDR: The host and port. Default:
HTTP_CERT_FILE: Path to cert file. Default:
HTTP_KEY_FILE: Path to key file. Default:
HTTP_DRAIN_INTERVAL: How long application will wait to drain old requests before restarting. Default:
DSN: RDBMS database path. Default:
COOKIE_SECRET: Cookie secret for session. Default: Auto generated.
Migration is handled by a separate project:
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use it. For more details, read the tutorial here.
# Installing the library
go get
# create new migration file in path
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations create migration_file_xyz
# apply all available migrations
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations up
# roll back all migrations
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations down
# roll back the most recently applied migration, then run it again.
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations redo
Vendoring is handled by a separate project:
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use it. For more details, read the readme here.
# Save all your dependencies after running go get ./...
godep save ./...
# Building with godep
godep go build
# Running tests with godep
godep go test ./...
There are two potential gotchas you need to know when running in Vagrant:
is not defined when you ssh into Vagrant. To fix the problem, doexport GOPATH=/go
immediately after ssh. -
MySQL is not installed inside Vagrant. You must connect to your host MySQL. Here's an example on how to run your application inside vagrant while connecting to your host MySQL:
GOPATH=/go DSN=mysql://$(whoami)@tcp($(netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10):5432)/$PROJECT_NAME?parseTime=true go run main.go