Flowstate is a modern, intuitive note-taking app
- 🎨 Markdown-based (same syntax as Notion)
- 🔒 Fully self-hosted. Take full ownership over your notes!
- 💾 Notes are automatically saved to your browser's local storage without the use of cookies
- 🌐 You can also integrate Flowstate with MongoDB to save notes & generate a public URL for them
- 🧠 "Focus mode" helps you enter a state of flow and write without distractions
You can connect Flowstate with your MongoDB database to publish your notes and share them with a URL. All you need is an environment variable called MONGO_CONNECTION_URL
with the following connection string: mongodb+srv://<your-username>:<your-password>@<your-cluster>.mongodb.net/<your-database>?retryWrites=true&w=majority