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Daniel Garcia-Castellanos edited this page Feb 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the tAo wiki!

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tAo is a C program for Linux to calculate the flexure of the lithosphere and, more in general, to numerically simulate the formation of foreland basins in pseudo 2D (vertical cross section). The pseudo 3D version of tAo is called TISC and distributed apart. Read the 'tao/doc/' file to know more about tAo.

Disclaimer: tAo is a tool developed for my own research. I've never been a professional programmer, the code is not user-friendly as a mobile app, and i cannot guarantee assistance in case of trouble. See other disclaimers in the license file in tao/doc/LICENSE.txt.

License details in the documentation at tao/doc/. Original author: Daniel Garcia-Castellanos

Scientific citation: Garcia-Castellanos, D., M. Fernàndez & M. Torné, 1997. "Numerical modeling of foreland basin formation: a program relating thrusting, flexure, sediment geometry and lithosphere rheology". Computers & Geosciences, 23 (9), 993-1003.

tAo has been developed in C under UNIX operating system (iOS, AIX IBM). It has been also successfully compiled in linux UNIX PC and in a Hewlett Packard Workstation using HP UX.

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