A NativeScript-built iOS and Android app for managing shop items
Note: This application was made to connect to an api hence, the set server address page.
To test that the phone can connect to an api, i have set up a local api, with a json database. To run it (And the entire project), you need to have npm installed first, then install json-server using the command.
npm install -g json-server
Afterwards, go to the node-json-server directory and run the command:
json-server db.json --watch
To be able to start the project, we need to install all our dependencies, to do that, we need to use the command npm install.
To run the mobile project, we need to have Nativescript installed. To install Nativescript, follow This installation guide. When you got Nativescript up and running, you can type the command
tns run --emulator android | ios (Choose either android or ios. Note that, ios only works on Apple devices)
Alternatively, you can use tns run --emulator android | ios --device "[Name]"
If you want to know what your ip-address is, open your terminal type ifconfig(Linux and Mac) and look for your network interface. Type the ip-address on the server page in the application. The default port for the api, is 3000, if this is not the case for you, you can see it in the terminal, where you ran the json-server command.