Minions API serves bananas to minions
Download and install the haskell-platform
If you already installed Haskell and want to remove it - run sudo uninstall-hs all --remove
Note: brew does not have haskell-platform anymore; brew cask is using an older version of ghc (7.8), so it is recommended to use the original haskell-platform from the link above.
stack build
stack exec minionsApi
cabal run
Watch and build changes:
stack build --file-watch
Using entr (watch app):
brew install entr
Watch for changes in src
and auto -rebuild.
Some curl commands. request.json
is in the root of the repo.
curl -i -X POST -d @minion-post.json http://localhost:8081/minions --header "Content-Type:application/json"
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8081/minions
stack test