Instructions: CRUD - Refeições diárias, Testando a aplicação and Desafio Final.
- [GET] /
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :index
- [GET] /:id
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :show
- [POST] /
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :create
- [PATCH] /:id
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :update
- [PUT] /:id
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :update
- [DELETE] /:id
- ExmealWeb.MealsController :delete
Tests: 24 total
# Intall dependencies
mix deps.get
# Start PostgreSQL service
service postgresql start
# Reset migrations
mix ecto.reset
MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset
# View app routes
mix phx.routes
# Start Phoenix server
mix phx.server
# Intall dependencies
mix test
# Check coverage of tests
mix test --cover