#Welcome to The Randomizer A platform to share recommendations with other locals and rediscover your city
The Randomizer was developed during 2 weeks as a final project for the development bootcamp IronHack, in Barcelona.
The Randomizer is a platform to...
- The Randomizer allows for people to share their recommendations such as bars, restaurants, museums, clubs and many more
- The app presents each user with 5 random recommendations every day. After 24h they will be able to see 5 new ones
##How does it work:
Users are controlled by a Karma system which distinguishes in between 3 roles: Regular, Ambassadors and Badkarma.
Their interactions with the platform vary depending on their role
Recommendations are controlled by a point system that makes recommendations with bad feedback to disappear
##Main tools used:
Ruby on Rails (with Act as votable, Carriewave and Devise)
Rspec with (Factory Girl)