A plugin to find more plugins.
WARNING: This plugin (like all my side projects) is a massive work in progress, as in "pre-alpha", as in don't be surprised if it doesn't work.
Using lazy.nvim
-- init.lua
commit = '0ebe56b',
dependencies = {
This plugin has a backend component (darksinge/plink-nvim-site).
I'm only adding these instructions because I'm just about to release a video on my YouTube channel, but this is likely to break without warning and I'm only human and will probably forget to update these instructions in a timely manner and this is definitely, 100% not how I plan on doing this in the future.
With that said, after installing, run the following command to (hopefully) get the search window to appear:
:lua require('plink.ui').open()
But I reiterate: you should only look at this plugin (in its current state) if you're simply curious and want to play around. You will encounter bugs.
- auto install plugins on selection
- copy config to clipboard by default
- set up auto install for popular dists like lunarvim, lazyvim, nvchad, astrovim, kickstarter.nvim, etc.
- allow sorting results by author, popularity, tags, etc.
- make UI look as pretty as humanly possible