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25 lines (21 loc) · 920 Bytes

File metadata and controls

25 lines (21 loc) · 920 Bytes
  1. Install homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. brew install chezmoi
  3. chezmoi init --apply darricheng
  4. brew bundle install --file=~/.config/brew/Brewfile
  • Iterm2 -> Preferences -> General -> Preferences Load preferences from a custom folder or URL -> ~/.config/iterm2, Profiles -> Shell -> Command -> /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
  • Install tmux plugins: <prefix> I
  • broot --install
  • (Optional) Install ohmyzsh: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Vimium config

# Insert your preferred key mappings here.
unmap K
unmap J
unmap gt
unmap gT

# search through tabs with f, freeing t for opening links
map f Vomnibar.activateTabSelection
map t LinkHints.activateMode
map T LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab
map F LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewForegroundTab