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🌌 Hyprland + Waybar

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Screenshots 📷
  3. Music 🎶
  4. Terminal Apps💻
  5. Keyboard Shortcuts ⌨️
  6. Config 🧙
  7. Previous rice 🍚

📝 Introduction

This is my daily driver Arch build, min-maxed to the max 👻

Features ❄️

Quality of life mods:
  • Hyprland
    • Adjust gaps_in and gaps_out on the fly.(see #keyboard-shortcuts)
    • Interactive volume control:
      • System-wide Volume progressbar with current sink icon
      • Switch and indicate current volume sink
      • Max volume , volume zero & mute notification.
  • Waybar:
    • Toggle waybar On/Off
    • updates
      • script to:
        • checkupdates
        • see pacman -Qil of pending updates in verbose less format, or minimal format (awk)
        • backup lvm if needed before updating (Messes with grub-mkconfig, delete snapshot beforegrub update)
        • silent update (default option)
    • Per app (mpd, spotify etc) Volume + progressbar with waybar mpris interaction.
Quality Of life scripts

My scripts

Perfomance monitoring:
  • custom waybar capsules(click to open drawer):
  • Gpu (amd)
    • gpu frequency mhz
    • gpu % use
    • gpu fan rpm
    • gpu temp
  • CPU
    • temp, frequency, % use
  • memory % use and disk % free + nvme temp.
  • network(up/down speed) + weather (
  • Theme:
    • catppuccin-mocha-red - gtk / Tokyonight-Dark
    • gruvbox - neovim
  • Font: quicksand - waybar, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font - ~waybar
  • Cursor: Bibata

📷 Screenshots


Empty Workspace + my perf_mon capsules maxi empty

Empty Capsules off mini_empty

💻 Tui

kitty emptym mini_empty

pacman + fzf | FastFetch pacfzf

Neovim nvim

nvim + kitty_windows nvim + Kitty windows

File Manager

Nautilus nauti

Yazi Yazi

Music 🎶


visualizer view + dunst volume progress ncmpcpp

main playlist view ncmpcpp

playlist-editor view ncmpcpp

Easy Effects


Keyboard Shortcuts

    $sl = SHIFT_L
    $cl = CONTROL_L
    $mod = SUPER
    $al = Alt_L
    $ar = Alt_R
    $sl = SHIFT_L

    # grimblast scrnshot
    PrtSc: Taking Screentshot - entire scrn
        * + $al - current window
        * + $sl - copy area

    # Terminal
    $mod + Enter: Open kitty current workspace
    $mod + $sl + Enter: Open Terminal emptym

    # Hyprland (Numpad)
    $mod + KP_ADD(+): Inc. Gaps out
    $mod + KP_Subtract(-): Dec. Gaps out

    $mod + $al + KP_ADD: Inc. Gaps in
    $mod + $al + KP_Subtract: Dec. Gaps in

    $mod + vim-motions (h,k,l,j) / mouse-down/up -> navigate open workspaces
    $sl, $sl -> focuscurrentlast - backandforth active
    $mod + O -> Move to emptym
    $mod + Space/mouse:275 killactive / close focused window

    # Launch app
    $mod + {}:  
        {} = B - Brave
             F - Firefox 
             N - Nautilus, 
             $sl + O - obsidian
             F1 - Spotify
             F2 - NCMPCPP
             I: launch special:nc, launch ncmpcpp if empty
             E: launch special:Easy, auto-launches Easy Effects on startup

    # Waybar
    $mod + Home: Waybar Reload
    $mod + End: Waybar toggle

see also:

Config 🧙


Previous Rice 🍚
