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SGE - Sauce Game Engine CMake Build

SGE or Sauce Game Engine is a small hobbyist 2D game engine written in C++. It's main goal is for me to improve my skills, be a part of my portfolio and maybe become a small reference for those starting out. SGE officially supports only 64-bit machines, with OpenGL 4.6 support. It is based on C++17 standard, and requires a compiler that supports it.


  • Dan Sirbu (@darwin-s) - main developer


Use CMake and Conan(optionally) to build and install the library. If you downloaded the source in a folder named "sge" and you want to build a release build, then the installation will look like this:

mkdir build
conan install if=build ./sge
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../sge
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install .


The library installs CMake configuration files, so after installing you can write a CMake based project and use find_package(sge) to find the library on the system and then link your target with target_link_libraries(target SGE::sge). Here is an example of a project:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)


find_package(sge REQUIRED)

add_executable(myexecutable main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myexecutable SGE::sge)

Special Thanks

  • Yashmerino (a good friend) - Project name idea


The project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

SGE also uses other projects internally: