GCiaB provides a simple GC algorithm designed to make life easier during the implementation of new programming languages. It isn't highly performant, employing mark & sweep collection atop malloc calls, but the API is super simple. If you're prototyping a language, or building a toy language, where GC hangs aren't detrimental, something like this may fit your needs.
However, if X-language has high ambitions, this library should be replaced later on, once core features are functional and the prototyping stage is complete.
The GCiaB interface consists of three primary functions: allocation, root specification, and sweeping.
Basic datatypes are allocated using GCiaB_primitive_g(<type>)
int *my_integer = GCiaB_primitive_g(int);
Compound objects are created via GCiaB_object_g(<type>, <foreach>)
. Argument two permits access to internally-stored references.
typedef struct {
size_t size;
int *buffer;
} Array;
void foreach(void *self, void (*func)(const void*))
Array *arr = (Array*) self;
for(int i = 0; i < arr->size; ++i)
func((void*) &arr->buffer[i]);
Array *my_array = GCiaB_object_g(Array, foreach);
In and out of scope values are marked as such in the rooting process, as explained here.
int *v1 = GCiaB_primitive_g(int);
int *v2 = GCiaB_primitive_g(int);
GCiaB_sweep_g() // will delete v2, but not v1, since it's rooted
collects all allocations unreachable through root values and their reference networks (as defined by foreach functions).
Note that each function postfixed with a _g
is applied to the global garbage collector. For a self-contained, non-global GC, declare GCiaB gc;
, initialize it, and apply the same functions with a GCiaB pointer prepended to the argument list. In example:
int *i = GCiaB_primitive_g(int);
could be performed like this:
GCiaB gc;
int *i = GCiaB_primitive(&gc, int);
This project is managed by Kit. If you haven't already, install kit via this link, then execute the following:
kit fetch GCiaB
Once complete, #include <kit/GCiaB.h>
will import all API definitions when built with Kit. For those uninterested in a new project manager, just copy GCiaB sources directly.