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DataHack is the first data-driven hackathon in Israel, designed to bring together the Israeli data community.


  1. DataTalks DataTalks Public

    A list of past meetups of the DataTalks meetup series and related resources.

    28 5

  2. DataConf DataConf Public

    Agendas of past and upcoming iterations of the DataConf data science conference and related resources.

    2 4

  3. DataSets DataSets Public

    A curated list of cool open datasets and APIs to use in machine learning driven projects.

    27 5

  4. DataProjects DataProjects Public

    A list of projects created at the yearly iterations of DataHack, and related resources.

    3 10

  5. DataWorkshops DataWorkshops Public

    A list of data science related workshops and intro talks given at DataHack events.

    Jupyter Notebook 6 8

  6. DataChallenges DataChallenges Public

    DataHack Challenges - Challenges offered during our hackathon by top data companies.

    11 5


Showing 10 of 22 repositories