This is a docker version of the handle server software at All information for how to use a handle server should be via the server documentation and support systems.
This is a docker image with an embedded configuration script that is run on docker start to load default settings from environment variables.
Use Docker compose to start the server.
docker compose up
For for overriding evn variables see Environment variables in Compose.
Configuration follows the same rules as the main handle configuration however with environments, see official documentation for more detailed configuration details.
Config | Default | Required | Description |
HANDLE_HOST_IP | | No | Public handle host ip used for siteinfo |
SERVER_ADMIN_FULL_ACCESS | yes | No | Admins listed in SERVER_ADMINS will have full permissions over all handles on the server |
SERVER_ADMINS | None | No | A list of handle admins space seperated e.g. ADMIN1 ADMIN2 ADMIN3 |
REPLICATION_ADMINS | None | No | A list of handle admins for replication space seperated e.g. "ADMIN1 ADMIN2 ADMIN3" |
CASE_SENSITIVE | no | No | Are handles case sensitive |
MAX_SESSION_TIME | 86400000 | No | Max authenticated client session time in ms. |
MAX_AUTH_TIME | 60000 | No | Max time to wait for for client to respond to auth challenge. |
THIS_SERVER_ID | 1 | No | An identifier for this handle server. |
TRACE_RESOLUTION | no | No | Set to yes for debugging information to be logged for handle resolution. |
ALLOW_LIST_HDLS | no | No | Used to disable list_handles functionality. |
ALLOW_RECURSION | no | No | Allow recursive lookup outside of this handle server into global handle network. |
SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM | None | Yes | PEM PKCS8 format private key for encryption on the server. |
SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_PEM | None | Yes | PEM PKCS8 format public key for encryption on the server. |
STORAGE_TYPE | None | No | Empty defaults to built-in storage. Other main option is "sql" |
SQL_URL | None | No | This setting should specify the JDBC URL that is used to connect to the SQL database. |
SQL_DRIVER | org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver | No | This is the name of a Java class that contains the driver for the JDBC connection. |
SQL_LOGIN | root | No | The user name that should be used by the handle server to connect and perform operations on the database. |
SQL_PASSWD | None | No | The password that should be used by the handle server to connect and perform operations on the database. |
SQL_READ_ONLY | no | No | Boolean setting for allowing writes to database or not. |
ALLOW_NA_ADMINS | yes | no | To allow global handle server admins access to this handle server. |
The PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY need to be in pksc8 format, below is an example that makes ready for usage in the environment variables
Generate keypair
ssh-keygen -m pkcs8 -f mykey.pem
Get it in a format for PKCS8 and put in explicit new lines ready for env var
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in mykey.pem -nocrypt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\r\\n/g'
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in mykey.pem -nocrypt | openssl pkey -pubout | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\r\\n/g'