Just the cool things you may need to get started with vertical farming in the cloud
We want to be able to scale to the size needed, but retain the freedom of moving between clouds. Who has time to manage a K8S? We want to Code! ❤️ - Grafana
Is there any other service for dashboards? At least not a better one! - Grafana Operator
Grafana with k8S-integration is a perfect match with Gitops. - Pulumi
The benefits of a real programming language and IaCaaS. - Prometheus Monitoring Stack
The perfect app-specific monitoring. - KEDA
Autoscaling microservices based on real-world events. - FAAS
We are searching for a FAAS framework with the capability of running a go/rust-function without a docker-registry and above one scaling.
Maybe Fission or Kubeless. - Keycloak
OAuth2 for everyone! The Operator is quite nice. - NGINX Ingress
The most used Ingress-controller for K8S. - Cert Manager
BugMeNot for TSL Encryption.
- GitHub Actions
A nice and easy workflow plattform for GitHub projects.
Has a good Pulumi integration. - Golang
A static-typed systems programming language with grabage-collection. - Github Packages
All in one place :D - Codecov
A modern take on codeanalysis. - React
A framework for building Web UIs. - Redux
State needs to be in one state. Especially settings ... - H3
Uber mapped the world in hexagons. One number to know a specific location. - Apex
- CockroachDB
This incredible oss pendant to spanner is the heart of our data-plattform. We love it's ease to use and scalability. - EMQX Broker
Due to a huge spike tolerance we are in need of a cloud-native message-queue with rich capabilties and Kubernetes support. - AWS S3
Easier Storage? Nope. - Protobuf
Integrated in MQTT we have a small and safe package to deliver.
- The Update Framework
A safety framework on how to handle things with and around updates.
- WikiJS
A wiki that can used to read and write from a git repository. - GitHub
GutHub is our single source of truth.
Thanks for being interested in this project! We are open to collaboration.