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Travis Coveralls

Create flows out of specs

Flow Specs

  owner: <owner username>
  ownerid: <owner unique id>
  dataset: <dataset name>
  version: 1
  findability: <published/unlisted/private>
 -  # only one input is supported atm
    kind: datapackage
      descriptor: <datapackage-descriptor>
        <resource-name-or-path>: <resource-url>

 - # Processing steps that need to be done on sources to get proper data streams
   input: <source-resource-name - e.g. `my-excel-resource`>
   output: <destination-resource-name - e.g. `my-excel-resource-sheet-1`>
     # These are sample options for tabulator, see its docs for all available options
     headers: 2
     sheet: 1
   input: <source-resource-name - e.g. `my-excel-resource`>
   output: <destination-resource-name - e.g. `my-excel-resource-sheet-1`>
     - run: sort
         resources: resource1
         sort-by: fullname

    kind: rdbms  # dump.to_sql
      engine: <tbd, should be the name of a user provided configuration - not the actual connection string>
    kind: sqlite # dump.to_sql
    kind: npm  
      credentials: <tbd, should be the name of a user provided configuration - not the actual credentials>
    kind: zip (dump.to_zip)
        out-file: <name of the file>
  - ... # other output formats
schedule: 'every 1d' # s/m/h/d/w (second -> week)

Processing Flows

Processing flows are part of the 'assembly line' for a single assembled dataset. All processor flows are single pipelines, and generate one or more processing artifacts. These artifacts are later collected to create the final datapackage.

By default, we add 3 processing flows:

  • Convert each tabular resource to CSV
  • Convert each tabular resource to JSON
  • Copy non-tabular resources from source to target.

Implementing a new processing flow

Usually when adding a new output format or transformation we will add a new flow for that.

In order to create that, we need to implement a class inheriting from BaseProcessingNode, and add that class name to the ORDERED_NODE_CLASSES array (in the correct location).

Each of these classes is provided with some processing artifacts and it must return the new processing artifact(s) that it is knows how to generate. The ProcessingArtifact class represents a single such artifact. It holds:

  • The name of the resource that will contain the artifact
  • The datahub type of that artifact
  • Its dependencies:
    • Which artifacts are required to be streaming in the pipeline prior to processing
    • Which artifacts need to be present in the datapackage as non-streaming resources
  • The datapackage-pipelines steps that will generate the artifact and create that resource the datapackage.

Under the hood

Each of these artifacts is converted into a pipeline, which always has the following structure:

  • Create a new, empty datapackage
  • Load all the 'streaming' dependent resources and stream them into the pipeline
  • Add any other dependent resources without streaming them into the pipeline
  • Add the specific steps that were introduced by the specific flow
  • Add a 'dump to target' step to save the intermediate resources into storage (S3)

The pipelines' execution order is maintained by properly setting the dependencies between the different pipelines. This is based on the list of required artifacts that each flow defines.

An aggregating pipeline is also created that assembles the final package, based on all the separate intermediate packages. This aggregating datapackage does not need to process any data, as it copies resources with absolute URL paths (and not relative ones).


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