RESTful web-service for car advertising
- WebApi based project
- includes simple GUI for testing
- service accepts and returns data in JSON format
- service is able to handle CORS requests from any domain
Current service run without any database, however it can be simple extended. For now all data is cached. Initially some basic data is created - list of data can be easily edited using service requests or through the GUI.
Project includes simple unit tests for testing GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
- functionality to return list of all car adverts (i.e. http://localhost:xxxx/api/caradvert)
- optional sorting by any field specified by query parameter, default sorting - by id (i.e. http://localhost:xxxx/api/caradvert?sortby=mileage)
- have functionality to return data for single car advert by id (i.e. http://localhost:xxxx/api/caradvert?Id=20)
- have functionality to add car advert
- have functionality to modify car advert by id
- have functionality to delete car advert by id
- have validation functionality
- accept and return data in JSON format.