This library provides two simple calls for binding to an LDAP server, and performing a search as a user on an LDAP server.
npm install microldap
var microldap = require('microldap')({ url: 'ldap://my.ldap.server' });
microldap.bind(username, password).then(function () {
//bind succeeded
}, function (err) {
//bind failed
});, filter, attributes, scope, username, password).then(function (results) {
//search succeeded
}, function (err) {
//search failed
###bind(username, password) Takes a username and password and attempts to bind to an LDAP server. Returns a Promise. The Promise resolves if the bind succeeds.
###search(base, filter, attributes, scope, username, password) Takes a base, filter, attribute list, scope, username and password and searches an LDAP directory as that user. Returns a Promise. The Promise resolves with an array of search results if the search succeeds.
##Other functions This library provides only bind and search.