A cross platform ARP utility toolkit.
npm install arped
var arped = require('arped');
Returns a string representation of the ARP table as it is read from the OS.
Takes a string representation of the ARP table and parses it to an Object of the following format which is then returned.
Devices {
<interface>: {
<IPs>: { <MACs> }
<MACs>: { <IPs> }
Each device/interface is represented, although the format is OS specific. Every device/interface Object contains an IPs Object and a MACs Object. Both of these Objects contain each other, allowing you to lookup a MAC or IP:
parsedTable.devices['en0'].IPs['']; // 00:11:22:33:44:55
parsedTable.devices['en0'].MACs['00:11:22:33:44:55']; //