A command line application that parses csv files, cleans fields from whitespaces & special characters, validates email address and stores a user table to PostgreSQL
Refer to link below to run the code from Repl.it CLI https://replit.com/@daveh87/CSVFileReaderApp?embed=1#main.py
Clone the repository:
Py Version: Python 3.9
Create a virtual environment.
pip3 install psycopg2-binary
To run application, open shell and run in Terminal/Command Line: --file [csv file name]
python3 user_input.py --file users.csv --help
This will return the help menu and list commands
>Example command to create the database table:
python3 user_upload.py --file users.csv --create_table -u -p '' -h 'localhost'
Which returns the following PostgreSQL table:
Schema | Name | Type | Owner |
public | users | table | david |
csv_reader_db=# \d users Table "public.users"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default |
name | character varying(50) | not null | ||
surname | character varying(50) | not null | ||
character varying(250) | not null | |||
Indexes: |
"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (email)
Please feel free to add any contributions!