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BLUECAT: Brisk local uncertainty estimator for deterministic simulations and predictions for Python


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BLUECAT: Brisk local uncertainty estimator for deterministic simulations and predictions [1]. BLUECAT converts deterministic to stochastic models for hydrological simulations and predictions. This is an adaptation of hymodbluecat from R, where BLUECAT is refactored to Python code. As many deep-learning models are developed within Python, this package allows users to use BLUECAT without having to use R.


You can install bluecat using pip:

pip install bluecat

Otherwise, clone this repo and install manually:

git clone
cd bluecat
pip install .

Example: Empirical and K-Moments estimation of confidence limits

We focus on estimating the uncertainty of a single deterministic simulation of streamflow. Following the traditional split-sample testing, the calibration data is used to estimate the uncertainty of the test data. First, import the package:

import bluecat as bc

We will be using the Arno River basin data provided by hymodbluecat using simulations from Hymod (data and model can be retrieved from the corresponding package). Looking at the first 5 rows:

date obs sim
1992-01-01 4.45 15.000000
1992-01-02 4.31 14.381293
1992-01-03 4.35 13.788106
1992-01-04 4.26 13.219407
1992-01-05 4.18 12.674306

We need to split the dataset into calibration and test sets and define the number of neighbours (m) and the significance level (siglev):

cal = df["1992-01-01":"2011-12-31"]
test = df["2012-01-01":]
qcalib = cal['sim'].to_numpy()
qcalibobs = cal['obs'].to_numpy()
qsim = test['sim'].to_numpy()
qobs = test['obs'].to_numpy()
m = 100
siglev = 0.05

Although the observed streamflow for the test set is optional, it is required for the probability-probability plot. Now configure BLUECAT:

app = bc.Bluecat(qsim, qcalib, qcalibobs,
    m, siglev, bc.KMomentsEstimation(),
    qobs, prob_plot=True)

Here, K-Moments estimation is used to find the prediction interval. Alternatively, it is possible to use the empirical estimation (faster) using bc.EmpiricalEstimation() instead. The difference between empirical and K-Moments estimation can be found in the reference below. Now simulate BLUECAT:


app stores all the results, for example, the mean (app.medpred), the upper (app.suppred), and lower bands (app.infpred). If K-Moments is used for the prediction interval, it is wise to check the optimization results from fitting the Pareto-Burr-Feller distribution (app.opt).

fun: 50.23428305968906
     jac: array([-9.76285719e-04, -2.50821584e-04, -7.38964450e-05, -5.41697656e+02])
message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
    nfev: 2160
    nit: 33
success: True
    x: array([0.42345394, 0.98037295, 6.99682168, 0.39183529])

If the observed streamflow for the test set is supplied to bc.Bluecat, it is possible to plot the reliability diagram (otherwise known as the probability-probability plot):



Finally, check the streamflow timeseries plot.



[1] D. Koutsoyiannis and A. Montanari, “Bluecat: A Local Uncertainty Estimator for Deterministic Simulations and Predictions,” Water Resources Research, vol. 58, no. 1, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1029/2021WR031215.


BLUECAT: Brisk local uncertainty estimator for deterministic simulations and predictions for Python







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