Execute any node module function from the command line.
npm install -g cmd-fn
Usage: cmd-fn [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-m, --module [name] module name e.g.: `fs`
-f, --function [name] function name
-c, --cwd [path] working directory context to run function from
-p, --params [arguments] function arguments specified as an array e.g.: `'["foo", "bar"]'`
--promise function is async and uses promises
--node-callback function is async with a node-style callback
To execute the following node function `fs.readdirSync("/var/tmp")`, you would do:
$ cmd-fn --module fs --function readdirSync --params '["/var/tmp"]'
To do an async call like `http.get({"hostname":"www.google.com"}, cb)`:
$ cmd-fn --module http --function get --params '[{"hostname":"www.google.com"}]' --node-callback
Dave Jeffery (@DaveJ)