I'm a software developer specializing in front-end web development. I've been studying and working with software development for almost two years now. I've been focusing on the front-end, so I'm most confortabe working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I'm also familiar with python, go, php, and lua. I've worked on projects using Hugo, Astro, and WordPress.
Dave Long Web Studio - The website for my website services business. I am offering web development, web design, and writing services.
Dave Long Dev - My software developer & portfolio website. I built this site using WordPress and the Gutenberg block editor.
Cloudflare Worker for Contact Form - A Cloudflare worker to process form submissions on the contact page of davelongwebstudio.com.
Node.js Link Crawler - A command-line tool built with Node.js that crawls a website to find and count the site's links and create a report.
I'm currently running a business teaching piano lessons online and in person and offereing freelance services in web development and website building.
I'm open to work, including part-time, full-time, remote, hybrid, and in-person postions.
I'm continuing to develop my front-end skills and knowledge through the materials on leanwebclub.com and front-end coaching with Chris Ferdinandi, and I'm learning back-end development by working through the courses on boot.dev.
I'm interested in learning more about web development, data science and machine learning, and programming and computer science in general.
I have a BA in Philosophy from Boston University and a JD from St. John's Law School.
I live in the Hudson Vally in NY.
If you're interested in learning more about me, feel free to check out any of my public GitHub repositoriess or visit one of these sites.