Slowpipe is a simple utility to slow the standard output from another command. It may not be vitally useful, but it looks cool.
slowpipe: print from STDIN to STDOUT slowly.
slowpipe <interval> [-g] [-h]
interval: sleep interval between characters in milliseconds
e.g.: "10" or "5.6"
-s : silent mode (suppress curor)
-g : print debugging information
-h : print this help information
An example of slowpipe's usage may look like:
dmesg | slowpipe 10
Issue? Bug? Feature request? Please submit an issue.
Feel free to submit a pull request if you want to contribute. I'm not very good at reading other people's code, so please include a verbose description and/or explanation.
The script and attendant documentation are Copyright (C) 2023 David Riesz.
This project and its code are all licensed under the MIT License. Please read the license file.