[], a software engineer living in Madrid, España. Since some years, I have set myself goals such as creating new projects, go in-depth in the spirit of the entrepreneur and be in constant development. For now I have a lot to learn, and I hope that it will always continue; while I am trying to get these goals I work as BackEnd Developer and manage a small team in ✨Indexa Capital✨, in which I learn from the bests (both in development and in team management). In the spare time I have left, I keep projects of photography and writing (@pic.dave), and some friends projects in which I try with new technologies (React). I also move in the exciting world of AI (master in machine learning) that I hope will help me achieve the goal of creating new projects that make a significant change, that have a reason and not just an economic purpose.
Here are some of my I.T. projects:
- 🎯 Django DDD template
- 💡 Symfony light template
- 🤖 Instagram's bot
- 📷 AWS photo OCR
- ⚡ Energy price predictor
- 🗺️ Spain D3 map
Apart from that, I have other project in which I sometimes write:
- ✍️ Cerecea where I write as @pic.dave
- 📖 Personal Blog where I write for myself.
- 👨🏻💻 JXtattoo where I try with React and also help a friend.
You can contact me by email cerezal.david@gmail.com, other options: