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If you regularly use iframes to load content from another site with the intention that the content looks like its part of your site, you've probably run into XSS (cross-site scripting) security measures when attempting to resize a frame relative to its content. There are lots of work arounds, but nothing I've seen that doesn't require a bit of tearing your hair out.

Enter the screaming leech.

Screaming Leech aims to provide a simple drop-in javascript library to make it easy to manage iframe height and scroll position when loading remote pages via an iframe. Screaming Leech works by dynamically creating a nested iframe inside the remote page to permit access to host page javascript.

NOTE: This solution requires that you have the ability to alter the HTML of the remote page.

How it works:

When you have access to both the host page and the iframed page on another domain, screaming leech will dynamically create a nested iframe loading a helper file on the host domain with querystring parameters containing instructions for resize and scroll events.

| HOST PAGE                                 |
| <script src="">          |
|                                                         |
| Page content, when an iframe is created, a querystring  |
| is appended to pass instructions to the remote page.    |
| *-----------------------------------------------------* |
| | REMOTE PAGE        | |
| |                                                     | |
| | Page content of unknown length.                     | |
| | <script src="">      | |
| |                                                     | |
| | Screaming Leech parses the querystring for          | |
| | instructions and dynamically creates a nested       | |
| | iframe to a helper page hosted on     | |
| | The dynamic iframe contains querystring             | |
| | instructions interpreting the height of the content | |
| | and any passthrough instructions like scroll.       | |
| | *-------------------------------------------------* | |
| | | DYNAMIC IFRAME   | | |
| | | <script src="">  | | |
| | |                                                 | | |
| | | Since the helper page and the host page are on  | | |
| | | the same domain, the helper can make javascript | | |
| | | calls to the host page without triggering       | | |
| | | browser XSS security measures.                  | | |
| | |                                                 | | |
| | | window.parent.parent.resize();                  | | |
| | | window.parent.parent.scrollTo();                | | |
| | |                                                 | | |
| | | window = dynamic iframe                         | | |
| | | window.parent = remote page iframe              | | |
| | | window.parent.parent = host page                | | |
| | *-------------------------------------------------* | |
| *-----------------------------------------------------* |
|                                                         |
| Additional host page content can follow the remote      |
| iframe without any additional scrollbars.               |

The dynamically created iframe requires a path to the leech helper along with querystring instructions url encoded into the source of the iframe. So for example if you wanted to resize your iframe dynamically and the path to your local install of leech is:

Then the url required to resize an iframe with the id 'testleech' would look like:

Since this url needs to be passed as a querystring parameter in your iframe src, the full src url should look something like this:

Known Issues

  • Iframed page reloads do not retain querystring instructions.


  • Simplify integration by dynamically generating remote page iframe from hyperlink
  • Enable local cookies to preserve instructions through a simulated session.


XSS iframe resize workaround.







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