Tachyons::Rails is a gem that makes it super easy to use Tachyons in your upcoming Rails project.
Sass is my favorite way to utilize css, it gives me way more options. Tachyons has a Sass version it's not ideal. What Tachyons brings is clear pieces to put together a great page. However I feel that the pages become bloated visually. Creating mixins I allowed myself to create components leveraging the Tachyons principles. For example in my project I might have a Circle Border avatar. In Tachyons it would like like this in HTML.
<div class="pa4 tc">
class="br-100 ba h3 w3 dib" alt="avatar">
However a prefer cleaner code I want this:
<div class="avatar circle-border">
<img src="http://tachyons.io/img/logo.jpg" alt="avatar">
To achieve this you would create a component using the mixins like this:
@include padding-base(a, get-map($spacing-literals, 4));
@include text-align-base(get-map($text-alignments, c));
@include border-radius-base(get-map($border-radius-sizes, -100));
@include border-base();
@include height-base(get-map($height-scales, 3));
@include width-base(get-map($width-scales, 3));
@include display-base(get-map($display-designations, ib));
The example above needs a lot of work, for example we should need to use get-map, but rather just pass the key in.
Docs can be found at http://tachyons.io/docs The modules are generally pretty small and thus quick and easy to read.
Add the the gem to your project
gem 'tachyons-rails'
Add a reference to your assets
@import "tachyons";
The tachyons docs located at http://tachyons.io are all open source and located at https://github.com/tachyons-css/tachyons-css.github.io
You can clone the docs and use them as a template for documenting your own design system / patterns / components. While not everything is automated, the component library generation makes it extremely easy to generate and organize the documentation for components as demonstrated at http://tachyons.io/components
I would love help with this library, I just put it together quick so I can work on components.
If you have a question or need help feel free to open an issue here or jump into the Tachyons slack channel or email me here mitch@mitchellgeere.com.