I wanted the ability to solve a sudoku puzzle just by taking a picture of it. This project accomplishes that goal by using computer vision techniques to extract the puzzle from the image and solve the puzzle using a recursive algorithm.
Here's a rundown of how the program identifies the puzzle, extracts the digits, and eventually solves the puzzle.
- The program starts with a image of a sudoku puzzle.
- The image is slightly blurred to smooth out noise in the image.
- The image is now put through an adaptive threshold to form a binary image (either white or black) of the puzzle.
- A Hough tranform is used to identify the major lines in the puzzle. From here, the grid can be extracted from the puzzle.
- With the grid extracted, we can use a contour finding library to extract the numbers out of the spaces.
- To recognize the digits from the images, I used the k-Nearest Neighbors(kNN) algorithm.
If you've never seen kNN before check out this explanation.
- With each digit classified, the puzzle is known. From here, a recursive algorithm is used to solve the puzzle. The result is the solved sudoku puzzle:
Switch to the "step-by-step" branch and run the executable. It will walk you each processing step the program is taking.
- OpenCV 2.0 installed
- CMake Version 3.5.1 or higher installed
- Place the sudoku image you want to solve in the /images folder.
Assumptions about puzzle image:
- The biggest bounding box in the image is the puzzle
- The number '1' must take up at least 13% of the area of a sudoku space (I know, it's a weird requirement, but it's the minimum threshold I set for identifying the number 1).
- In src/sudoku.cpp change the file load name to your image.
Mat original = imread("..images/YOUR_SUDOKU_PUZZLE.jpg", 0);
- Change your directory to the build directory, and run cmake.
cmake ..
- Run the executable.
- Utkarsh Sinha from AI Shack for his help with sudoku puzzle feature extraction
- Chris Dahms for his help with kNN character recognition