Open Translink collaboration project..
Focusing only on translink Metro data.
- create a github account
- fork this repository
- work, make changes locally and then push to github
- at this point send a pull request and patches will be pulled in.
- implement script/import functionality with atco library
- create a model to hold journey data
- create a model for holding gps 'point' data of points along the routes that are at a high resolution. Basically requesting routes from google between each set of two points on a route.
- implement an api function to return the set of points for a route to allow programatic drawing of route overlays
- implement a function to return the current bus locations based on the received timestamp.
- implement a timetable data api call
- automatically determine a bus's 'bearing' for current bus locations functionality. To allow for right-side-up drawing of sprites.
- Install Ruby, Rubygems, Rails, MySQL (or other).
- rake gems:install
- script/bootstrap
- and you're done
- script/server
- then navigate to