Point of sale embedded system based on Dash cryptocurrency. The whole project was done on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ with the original 7" touch screen running Raspbian Stretch OS. Based on moocowmoo's dashvend project
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B+
- Raspberry Pi official 7" touch screen
- Qibixx MDB Pi Hat
- External drive for blockchain storage
- Raspbian Stretch OS
The first thing to do is an update/upgrade:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Position yourself in the root of the repository and run the make command.
Edit the config file and set your variables.
Place the following commands in crontab:
@reboot python3 <path-to-dash-pos>/dash-pos/bin/start_dashvend.py
0 */1 * * * python3 <path-to-dash-pos>/dash-pos/bin/conversion/conversion_dash_hrk.py
Conversion only works for HRK (Croatian kunas)
To get your Raspberry Pi to work with the Pi Hat follow this official documentation.
If you want to use the original 7 inch touch screen in /etc/enviroment add the following line:
and in ~/.bashrc add the following line:
export DISPLAY=:0
In /boot/config.txt place the following lines:
display_rotate=1 # or different numbers depending on the orientation
Finally, in /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart place the following lines:
@unclutter -idle 0 # remove mouse pointer
@<path-to-dash-pos>/dash-pos/bin/fliptouch.sh # flip the touch screen(change the script depending
# on your rotation
@xset s off # disable screen turn off after 10 minutes
@xset -dpms # disable screen turn off after 10 minutes