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London Bikes

A simple Object Orientated app, simulating the Santender Cycles around London - functions via the command line. Test driven in Ruby with the RSpec library, this showcases good coding prncipals: Encapsulation, DRY, SRP, TDD. Built on the a set of user stories. Once the user story requirements were met, modules were used as mixins to DRY out the code further, as many classes shared duplicate code. This showcases good Object Composition. The 'Shared Examples' feature of RSpec were also used to feature test the use of modules.

User Stories

As a person,
So that I can use a bike,
I'd like a docking station to release a bike.
As a person,
So that I can use a good bike,
I'd like to see if a bike is working
As a member of the public
So I can return bikes I've hired
I want to dock my bike at the docking station
As a member of the public
So I can decide whether to use the docking station
I want to see a bike that has been docked
As a member of the public,
So that I am not confused and charged unnecessarily,
I'd like docking stations not to release bikes when there are none available.
As a maintainer of the system,
So that I can control the distribution of bikes,
I'd like docking stations not to accept more bikes than their capacity.
As a system maintainer,
So that I can plan the distribution of bikes,
I want a docking station to have a default capacity of 20 bikes.
As a system maintainer,
So that busy areas can be served more effectively,
I want to be able to specify a larger capacity when necessary.
As a member of the public,
So that I reduce the chance of getting a broken bike in future,
I'd like to report a bike as broken when I return it.
As a maintainer of the system,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like docking stations not to release broken bikes.
As a maintainer of the system,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like docking stations to accept returning bikes (broken or not).
As a maintainer of the system,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like vans to take broken bikes from docking stations and deliver them to garages to be fixed.
As a maintainer of the system,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like vans to collect working bikes from garages and distribute them to docking stations.

How to Run

Clone this repo, and from the command line navigate to the London Bikes. In the command line type:


This will install the required gems. Then in the command line type in:


This will start the Ruby REPL. Then type the following:

require './lib/docking_station'

This will require the files you need to instantiate new Docking Stations, Bikes, Vans and Garages. This can be done by the following commands:

bike =
ds =
van =
garage =

You can then type in the following in the command line to action the objects accordingly:


To run the test suite (RSpec), in the command line type:


This will display 45 passing tests with 100% coverage.


OO Exercise Test Driven in Ruby with RSpec







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