Modifications to Dingo Quadruped Robot
Since the original files were Altium designer I recreated the board in KiCAD. Not 100% the same since it uses through hole components for the resistors and the diode.
Instead of ordering the Acrylic pieces you can try to print your own base plates. Note: This is not verified to hold up to the stresses of the robot. However if you decide to go this route be sure to use 100% infill for these pieces. Also blue the two halves together. Since it is printed this will have stand offs for 2 of the Raspberry Pi mounts and the rear of the front buck converter.
For my build I decided to redesign the rear LCD holder so that screws and nuts weren't positioning. Note This still has not been tested and results may vary depending on your printer settings.
The first modificaiton was to the front of the Dingo robot, it removes the plastic black eye and instead makes room for two HC-SR04 sensors.
This new fan housing creates tabs to act as the hinge. Reduces the number of pieces that need to be ordered.
[Revised IMU Mount]((
I updated the IMU mount because the version I ordered here in the US had slightly different pattern for mounting holes. Additionally the 3 digit display I ordered from Amazon also had slightly different mounting holes. If you are using the same components you can use this step file.