bmp2coe is made for generating coefficient files for Xilinx Vivado from bitmap files.
ffmpeg -y -i input.png -pix_fmt {bgr24 | rgb444le} output.bmp
./bmp2coe.ps1 [-PixelFormat] {bgr24 | rgb444le}
The script will convert all .bmp files in the same folder. One of the following pixel formats must be specified (all formats use bottom-up row order and will append a padding pixel to each row if the image width is an odd number):
bgr24 as exported by FFmpeg, which uses compact BGR pixel layout. The output file will use 8-bit wordlength.
rgb565le as exported by FFmpeg, which uses 5R6G5B little-endian pixel layout. This may work for rgb555le (1A5R5G5B little-endian) as well. The output file will use 16-bit wordlength.
rgb444le as exported by FFmpeg, which uses 4A4R4G4B little-endian pixel layout. The output file will use 12-bit wordlength.
Note that FFmpeg will apply dithering to the image when operates bit depth reduction by default.