This is a blog with a Django backend.This data-driven website has a dynamic setup.This means that the user can create, display, update and search blog articles.
The website is fitted for mobile, tablet and desktop (fully responsive).
Existing Features are:
- Homepage with a navigation bar, search bar and list view of articles.
- Register page, so a new user can create an account.
- Login/Logout page, a clear and simpel page that will login a user.
- Ability to reset password.
- Search capability. A user can search for a blog article basing on a keyword that matches related blog title or blog content.
- Pagination of homepage.
Features Left to Implement
- Switching to use Postgres Database
- Email Notifications when new posts are added.
- Creating comment section in blog posts.
- Capability to login using social media or gmail account.
- Testing
In this section all of the languages, frameworks, libraries, and other tools that have been used are mentioned.
The website uses HTML5 as a fundamental basis for building the website. -
The website uses CSS3 with regard to the styling of all elements within the website. For this a separate layout has been created within the page structure. CSS is used for all content, including: images, layout of color and background, etc. -
Bootstrap 5
The open-source Bootstrap framework has been used to implement some basic templates for forms, buttons and navigation. Bootstrap has also been used to stand with a responsive design of the web page. -
GitHub has been used for version control of the code by using Git. During the realization of the project, Git was daily used. -
Javascript has been used to use the event handling functionality's on specific buttons. -
Fontawesome as a toolkit has been used to the UX/UI, especialy for icon styling. -
Python / Django
An important aspect of this project is the dynamic generation, modification and adaptation of data. This is made possible by different routes between pages and data. -
Sqlite Database
Currently using this lightweight database for development.