- Split-pane-v3 is a split panel component based on VUE3+TS, this component functions similar to 'vscode' panel splitting, commonly found in online code editors! According to turn,this can be understood as the Vue3 version of the project.
npm install split-pane-v3 --save
npm i split-pane-v3 -S
<split-pane :min-percent="0" :default-percent="20" split="vertical">
<template v-slot:paneL> vertical-A </template>
<template v-slot:paneR>
<split-pane split="horizontal" :default-percent="75">
<template v-slot:paneL> horizontal-B </template>
<template v-slot:paneR>
<split-pane split="vertical" :default-percent="75">
<template v-slot:paneL> vertical-C </template>
<template v-slot:paneR> vertical-D </template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
const SplitPane = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("split-pane-v3"));
IDX | Name | Type | default | explain |
1 | minPercent | Number | 10 | Minimum value of the current panel (%) |
2 | defaultPercent | Number | 50 | Default display value of the current panel (%) |
3 | split | String | - | The display mode of the current panel can be upper or lower or left or right |
4 | class-name | String | - | The class name of the split gesture for the current panel |
IDX | Name | explain |
1 | paneL | First slot inside split panel (left or top) |
2 | paneR | First slot inside split panel (right or bottom) |