This is my implementation of the task set by Evergreen for their technical test. I've folllowed the criteria set for me and used a Bootstrap form to accept new customer data (Company name, first/last name, contact number and full address). This data is then handled by my express server and sent to MongoDB. I then display the data by utilising Ejs to loop over and display all records in my 'Customers' collection within a table. As part of the requirements for the task I have displayed a Google Map for each customer in the list. Each map thumbnail is a dynamically created static map based on each address attached to each customer. The map thumbnails are also links that will open up a new tab and take you to that address in Google Maps for a closer look if preferred. I have also made use of for my table data which adds searchable functionality and pagination to the list of customers.
In addition I've added login and signup functionality to this application where users can log in and only see the data that belongs to them.
Note: I'm aware that I've chosen to use a non-relational database that doesn't absolutely require the use of Models and Schemas but understand thier importance and necessity had I completed this task with the tech stack used at Evergreen (PHP, Laravel, Mysql).
Technolgies and packages utilised:
- Node.js
- Express
- Ejs
- Nodemon
- Dotenv
- Body-parser
- Bootstrap
- MongoDB
Set up:
In terminal/command line, cd into 'evergreen_technical_test'
Run 'npm install' to install dependancies
Create '.env' file to hold sensitive data
Get and provide MongoDB connection string and put it into your .env file
On MongoDB site ( add your IP address to your IP access list (Security > Network Access > IP Access List)
Get and provide a Google Maps API key ( and also put that into your .env file
Run 'npm run dev' and go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser