Early project used HC-05, 06 BT modules to enable communication between 2 Arduinos (Tele-op Omni-Car)
My goal now is to implement BT to enable PS-4 gamepad to talk to Picobot
Get some experience by following Pico BT example, under Pico MicroPython Examples.
- Followed the Instructions at Chapter 6: Working with Bluetooth in MicroPython
- Installed
on Pico #5. - Started
. - Producing this output in thonny:
Sensor name Pico 28:CD:C1:0B:30:D2 write temp 28.45 degc write temp 28.45 degc write temp 27.51 degc write temp 27.98 degc write temp 27.98 degc write temp 27.98 degc
- This BT device didn't show up at all in my phone.
- It did show up on my laptop but failed to pair, after which it would no longer show up.
- I could stop
and restart it and it would again show up on my laptop. - This is as far as I got...
- Installed
- Followed this tutorial Getting to grips with Bluetooth on Pico W to get both the server and client devices working.
This project implements Kevin McAleer's tutorial on Bluetooth Remote Controlled Robot which shows the use of aioble
module to allow BT to work asynchronously.
- Kevin's tutorial shows using Bluetooth to connect a remote control (Pimoroni LCD screen wuth buttons) to his Burgerbot
- The server on Kevin's project imports
module which I chased down at the Pimoroni website - The client code needs
module which I found at Kevin McAleer's Burgerbot repoburgerbot.py
, which I wasn't able to find.- No matter... I'm not using burgerbot anyway.
- My project (below) uses a different LCD but aims to copy the Pico-to-Pico BLE communication exactly the same
- Instead of using the Pimoroni display, I am using the Pico LCD 1.14
- Revised
to use the Pico LCD 1.14 device instead of the Pimoroni one.
- Revised
to not import burgerbot
- Works great! Here is the output of the remote process:
registering services
peripheral task started
blink task started
not connected
not connected
not connected
not connected
Connection from Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4a:e2, CONNECTED)
connected: True
- But it crashes (after about a minute):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 239, in <module>
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "<stdin>", line 237, in main
File "uasyncio/funcs.py", line 1, in gather
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "<stdin>", line 215, in peripheral_task
File "aioble/device.py", line 295, in __aexit__
File "aioble/device.py", line 216, in disconnect
File "aioble/device.py", line 232, in disconnected
File "aioble/device.py", line 232, in disconnected
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "aioble/device.py", line 198, in device_task
File "uasyncio/event.py", line 1, in wait
- Meanwhile, this is the output of the robot process (on a subsequent run):
blink task started
blink task stopped
starting peripheral task
Robot Remote not found
blink task started
blink task stopped
starting peripheral task
Found KevsRobots
Found Robot Remote Service
Connecting to Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4c:25)
A button pressed
A button pressed
B button pressed
B button pressed
CNTR button pressed
CNTR button pressed
UP button pressed
UP button pressed
DOWN button pressed
DOWN button pressed
LEFT button pressed
LEFT button pressed
RIGHT button pressed
RIGHT button pressed
- Until the crash:
something went wrong;
blink task started
blink task stopped
starting peripheral task
Found KevsRobots
Found Robot Remote Service
Connecting to Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4c:25)
- Posted a comment on Kevin's Youtube channel
- I noticed that another person posted a comment (~ 1 month ago) reporting a
after ~ 1 minute. - I uploaded the Pimoroni micropython version 1.20.4 (to replace the Paspberry Pi version) but this didn't solve the problem.
- However it answered my question about where to find the missing modules (pimoroni, motor, servo). They are included in this version of micropython.
MicroPython 856e08b1931b88271816a2f60648f6ff332235b2, picow v1.20.4 on 2023-08-04; Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> help("modules")
__main__ breakout_dotmatrix gc pimoroni_bus
_boot breakout_encoder gfx_pack pimoroni_i2c
_boot_fat breakout_encoder_wheel hashlib plasma
_onewire breakout_icp10125 heapq pngdec
_rp2 breakout_ioexpander hub75 qrcode
_thread breakout_ltr559 interstate75 random
_uasyncio breakout_matrix11x7 inventor re
_webrepl breakout_mics6814 io rp2
adcfft breakout_msa301 jpegdec select
aioble/__init__ breakout_paa5100 json servo
aioble/central breakout_pmw3901 lwip socket
aioble/client breakout_potentiometer machine ssl
aioble/core breakout_rgbmatrix5x5 math struct
aioble/device breakout_rtc micropython sys
aioble/l2cap breakout_scd41 mip/__init__ time
aioble/peripheral breakout_sgp30 motor uasyncio/__init__
aioble/security breakout_trackball neopixel uasyncio/core
aioble/server breakout_vl53l5cx network uasyncio/event
array builtins ntptime uasyncio/funcs
automation cmath onewire uasyncio/lock
binascii collections os uasyncio/stream
bluetooth cppmem pcf85063a uctypes
boot cryptolib picoexplorer urequests
breakout_as7262 dht picographics version
breakout_bh1745 ds18x20 picokeypad webrepl
breakout_bme280 encoder picoscroll webrepl_setup
breakout_bme68x errno picounicorn websocket
breakout_bmp280 framebuf pimoroni zlib
Plus any modules on the filesystem
Decided to try approaching this from a new direction. Try to find another aioble server/client example that doesn't crash.
MicroPython aioble library GitHub repo has a temperature sensor / client example which I will now try out.
- That works fine too, for about a minute. Then I get this error:
Connecting to Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4c:25)
Temperature: 24.53
Temperature: 24.79
Temperature: 24.77
Temperature: 24.53
Temperature: 24.93
Temperature: 25.37
Temperature: 24.92
Temperature: 24.98
Temperature: 25.12
Temperature: 25.16
Temperature: 25.16
Temperature: 24.80
Temperature: 24.52
Temperature: 24.22
Temperature: 24.36
Temperature: 24.32
Temperature: 24.08
Temperature: 23.89
Temperature: 24.46
Temperature: 24.94
Temperature: 25.23
Temperature: 25.12
Temperature: 24.65
Temperature: 24.77
Temperature: 24.61
Temperature: 24.90
Temperature: 24.55
Temperature: 24.45
Temperature: 24.69
Temperature: 24.79
Temperature: 24.80
Temperature: 24.73
Temperature: 24.49
Temperature: 24.70
Temperature: 24.07
Temperature: 24.24
Temperature: 23.96
Temperature: 24.14
Temperature: 24.54
Temperature: 24.13
Temperature: 24.12
Temperature: 24.46
Temperature: 24.19
Temperature: 24.36
Temperature: 24.28
Temperature: 24.40
Temperature: 24.44
Temperature: 24.57
Temperature: 24.89
Temperature: 24.93
Temperature: 25.04
Temperature: 24.56
Temperature: 24.32
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 63, in <module>
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "<stdin>", line 58, in main
File "aioble/client.py", line 258, in read
GattError: 31
- Without disturbing the sensor (server), I restarted the client, which then continued without errors, but the value of the temperature was no longer changing.
Connecting to Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4c:25)
Temperature: 24.16
Temperature: 24.16
Temperature: 24.16
- From this it looks like the ble client was continuing to get temperature data but the server was no longer sending fresh data.
- Moved the server to run under Thonny.
- First start the server.
- Then started the client.
- Exactly 1 minute after the client connects, the server crashes with this traceback:
Connection from Device(ADDR_PUBLIC, 28:cd:c1:0a:4a:e2, CONNECTED)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 68, in <module>
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "<stdin>", line 65, in main
File "uasyncio/funcs.py", line 1, in gather
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "<stdin>", line 58, in peripheral_task
File "aioble/device.py", line 295, in __aexit__
File "aioble/device.py", line 216, in disconnect
File "aioble/device.py", line 232, in disconnected
File "aioble/device.py", line 232, in disconnected
File "uasyncio/core.py", line 1, in run_until_complete
File "aioble/device.py", line 198, in device_task
File "uasyncio/event.py", line 1, in wait
Edited server code: last line in coroutine
async def peripheral task():
- originally was:
await connection.disconnected()
- after editing:
await connection.disconnected(timeout_ms=None)
- originally was:
Apparently, the default value is 60_000 (60 sec).
Indeed the code for
in the aioble library module has a DeviceConnection class which has a coroutineasync def disconnected(self, timeout_ms=60000, disconnect=False)
Next I want to see if this will fix the problem with Kevin McAleer's code.
- Yep, that seems to fix the problem. Now the code runs indefinitely.