This project was conducted from June 2022 to March 2023 on the development of an anomaly detection and prediction model for time-series data collected in real-time from manufacturing process equipment.
Here is the site of
We have a workflow that visualizes the anomaly detection algorithm written in Python through the Django-based backend and Flutter frontend. The following Built with describes which language is used for BackEnd, FrontEnd, and Algorithm respectively.
- BackEnd
- Django
- FrontEnd
- Flutter
- Algorithm
- Python
- BackEnd
- eda.ipynb
- FrontEnd
- notebook
- BISTelligence_Analytic.ipynb
- imputation_model_test.ipynb
- model.ipynb
- src
- plot
- data
- model
- best_model
- saved_model
- evaluate.ipynb
We have proceeded with the deployment process through the Flutter framework based on web apps, but as for the current final state, it runs normally only on the local emulator. We are currently discussing expanding the service through hosting servers in the future within our team.
- Deployment
- Only Local emulator
- Hosting Server
Here is the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Chocopytorch 📖 |
chosungsu 📖 |
kmw4097 📖 |
dbnub 📖 |
choiyongwoo 📖 |