My name is Drew – I'm building SaaS for GTM teams while growing sales engineering at ▲Vercel.
I write about web dev, startups, and Next.js here.
I'm building tools for go-to-market teams, especially at DevTool companies like Vercel. As a developer turned sales engineer, I love using code to fix the painful parts of selling.
I’m building SoloSync SoloSync, which makes keeping Salesforce and Notion in sync so that teams can stay on the same page while reducing your Salesforce bill.
I discovered many of these problems working enterprise sales deals at Vercel.
btw — you should probably learn sales.
At the moment I'm building with:
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS & UI
- NextAuth
- Prisma
- Planetscale
and here are some articles about tech choices: