Scooped is a clone of Untappd where users can view a wide variety of ice creams, explore their descriptions and even submit new ice creams to be added. Create an account to be able to leave reviews on ice creams and have your own profile to keep your ice cream submissions in order.
- Python, Flask, PostgreSQL database
- Docker
- Deployed with Heroku
Users can begin creating IceCream pages with their reviews for others to see once signed in. They can add an IceCream by clicking on the "Add iceCream" button to bring up a modal where they will fill in all the required information. Once created, the user can view their page on the home screen.
Once an IceCream has been created successfully, other users can access that particular IceCream by clicking on that IceCream from the main page. When the user is inside the IceCream page of their choice, they can add a review by clicking the "Add review" button where a modal will pop up requesting a review message as well as a rating. What makes this page unique is that all the reviews from all the users will be accounted for giving the IceCream an average rating.
Users can access their Review Feed by clicking on the "My Profile" button located on the navigation bar once signed in. The Review Feed will display all of the users reviews as well as their associated comments/ratings. Clicking on the comment's picture will redirect the user to the IceCream page to view all other reviews to that particular IceCream. Users can also delete their reviews from the feed by clicking on the "Delete" button should they no longer wish to have them.
Users can access their profile information by clicking on the "My Profile" button on the navigation bar once signed in. At the top of the page will display the users information with their associated Username and Email. Users can change their information by clicking on the "Edit" button located below the user's email which will bring up a page to modify their data.
Clone this repository
git clone
Install dependencies
pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file based on the example with proper settings for your development environment
Setup your PostgreSQL user, password and database and make sure it matches your .env file
Get into your pipenv, migrate your database, seed your database, and run your flask app
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
To run the React App in development, cd into the
directory and run your react appnpm start
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/