An Unhackathon 2014 project.
Open Itinerary is a website that allows users to easily create travel itineraries and then share them with friends.
It also allows users to get suggested places near their existing destinations and along the route between their destinations.
- Destination discovery using geocoding
- Order-able destination list
- Automatic routing between destinations as you add them
- Route manipulation using the map
- Recommendations near user-entered destinations
- Recommendations along app-generated route
- Adding recommendations to destination list
- Unique itinerary ID automatically created
- Forking itineraries
- User pages / feeds with popular itineraries (card interface?)
- Change type of routing directions (bike, walk, flight, etc)
- Improved destination searching
- Enter in a city/state/country instead of a zip code
- Printable itinerary
- More info about the suggested places (and maybe a scroll-able list)
- Flask
- jQuery
- Angular
- Google Geocoder API
- leaflet.js
- Foursquare API