This is a Singer tap that extracts data from Google Spreadsheets. It produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.
The tap uses the Google API underneath for accessing sheets data, so you need to create some credentials accordingly.
Once you have your credentials, you need to put them in the gsheets_api
key in the configuration file so they are picked up by the tap. With another key sheet_name
for indicating the sheet to be extrated.
The tap supports configuration files in JSON as much as in HOCON format. Use a .json
extension for JSON format and a .conf
extension for HOCON format.
Tapping onto a Google sheet named Investor Loans
can be achieved with a HOCON config file such as
{ # config.conf
sheet_name = "Investor Loans",
gsheets_api {
type = "service_account",
project_id = "some-gc-project",
private_key_id = ${PRIVATE_KEY_ID},
private_key = ${PRIVATE_KEY},
client_email = ${CLIENT_EMAIL},
client_id = ${CLIENT_ID},
auth_uri = "",
token_uri = "",
auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "",
client_x509_cert_url = ${CERT_URL}
Which will output something like
$ tap-gsheets -c config.conf
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "Investor Loans", "record": {"id": 11, "start_date": "2018-08-22", "end_date": "2020-04-17", "investor": "Banking Corp", "amount": 20000000, "interest_rate": 0.20, "add_to_capital": "FALSE", "user_id": "some_user", "created_at": "2018-08-22 11:00:40", "updated_at": "2018-08-22 11:00:40"}}
Import your service account config from the file Google provides:
{ # config.conf
gsheets_api {
include "gcloud-team-name-001122334455.json"
Change the table name format to singular form and convert column names to the valid database format:
{ # config.conf
underscore_columns = True,
singular_table_name = True,
Process several sheets and worksheets in that sheets at a time:
{ # config.conf
sheets = [
name = "Investor Loans",
worksheets = [
# ...
The configurations in the file can be overriden with the command line parameter --overrides
which takes configuration overrides in a JSON string and applies them over the passed
config file.
tap-gsheets -c config.conf --overrides '{"sheet_name":"2019 Baseball Games"}'
To install the tap-gsheets
utility as a system command, create and activate a
Python3 virtual environment
$ cd tap-gsheets
$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/tap-gsheets
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/tap-gsheets/bin/activate
and install the package
$ pip install -e .
The integration tests spec tests the project against a sample Google sheet.
They can be executed running python tests/integration/