allows you to interact with dataclasses of tensors as if they were tensors. Simply use @tensorbox
instead of @dataclass
from jaxtyping import Float
from tensorbox import tensorbox
from torch import Tensor
# Define a @tensorbox class. The jaxtyping annotations describe each attribute's scalar (unbatched) shape.
class Gaussians:
mean: Float[Tensor, "dim"]
covariance: Float[Tensor, "dim dim"]
color: Float[Tensor, "3"]
# Define Gaussians with batch size (10, 10) and dim=3.
gaussians = Gaussians(
torch.zeros((10, 10, 3), dtype=torch.float32),
torch.zeros((10, 10, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32),
torch.zeros((10, 10, 3), dtype=torch.float32),
# Define a function that uses Gaussians as input. When a @tensorbox class is subscripted, each attribute's shape becomes the concatenation of the subscript (batch shape) and the attribute's original (scalar) shape. This means fn expects the following shapes:
# - mean: "batch_a batch_b dim"
# - covariances: "batch_a batch_b dim dim"
# - color: "batch_a batch_b 3"
def fn(g: Gaussians["batch_a batch_b"]):
A @tensorbox
class will automatically infer its batch shape:
class Camera:
intrinsics: Float[Tensor, "3 3"]
extrinsics: Float[Tensor, "4 4"]
cameras = Camera(
torch.zeros((512, 4, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32),
torch.zeros((512, 4, 4, 4), dtype=torch.float32),
cameras.shape # (512, 4)
You can define and use nested @tensorbox
classes as follows:
class Leaf:
rgb: Float[Tensor, "3"]
scale: Float[Tensor, ""]
class Tree:
pair: Leaf["2"]
def fn(tree: Tree["*batch"]):
# tree.pair.rgb has shape (*batch, 2, 3)
classes can be used directly with the following torch
Note that dim
arguments are always specified relative to the @tensorbox
class's batch shape.
is very similar to TensorDict, but has a few key differences:
- It's compatible with
annotations. - It's not as feature-complete.
- When creating a tensorbox class instance, you don't have to specify the batch shape—it's automatically inferred.