Clickable mock-up of what an extended search could be
You can try it out on:
- Ezra Pound
- Hilda Doolittle
- James Joyce
- Sea Garden (poetry) by Hilda Doolittle
- Hymen (poetry) by Hilda Doolittle
- Red Roses for Bronze (poetry) by Hilda Doolittle
- Ripostes (poetry) by Ezra Pound
- Lustra (poetry) by Ezra Pound
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (novel) by James Joyce
Are authors dedicated to a form of literature? Do poets write novels and do novelists write poems?
Do poets write novels?
We look for books whose authors wrote at least a book of poetry.
We then check if there are novels in the lot.
start with:
ng serve
(if you need something to be installed, follow the error messages)
browse to: http://localhost:4200