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TS RayCasting


Raycast Example



TS RayCasting is tiny and fast raycast library written in Typescript.



castRay(map, x, y, intersection, rayRot)

castRay(map: number[][], x: number, y: number, intersection: testintersection, rayRot: number): IRay

Will cast ray from position in map, which is two-dimensional world of numbers, where every number means a specific wall. To check if ray already hit a wall, there's intersection callback. If testfunction returns false, then it'll stop casting ray further and it means that wall was hit.

castRays(map, x, y, rot, intersection, config)

castRays(map: number[][], x: number, y: number, rot: number, intersection: testintersection, config: IRayConf = defaultConfig): IRay[]

Will cast several rays from position in map, which is two-dimensional world of numbers, where every number means a specific wall. rot is direction of camera or caster. To check if ray already hit a wall, there's intersection callback. If testfunction returns false, then it'll stop casting ray further and it means that wall was hit.

intersection(row, column, dist, index)

type testintersection = (row: number, column: number, dist: number, index: number) => boolean;

It's same callback in both castRay and castRays function, where is put a logic of hitting a wall. If testFunctions returns false, it'll stop casting ray further (specific ray, not all rays in castRays function).


  • npm run build build library, everything will be in dist/ folder
  • npm run build:web build minified raycast library for browser
  • npm run build:node build library with all declaration files
  • npm run build:example build examples
  • npm run lint lint all .ts files