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OOP example. Create simple TextBoxes on OLED/TFT Displays using Micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico


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TextBox is used to create simple boxes with a caption and multiple lines of text on SSD1306-OLED / ST7735R-TFT displays using FrameBuffer-derived drivers in micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico. Each text line is rendered in an individual FrameBuffer. This enables fast updating of the screen without flickering.

Text lines can easily be added, updated and deleted. Multiple TextBoxes can be created on one screen.

I use this for all my projects where I need to display text on an OLED / TFT Display. This way, I don't have to mess around with graphic functions again and again if I want to display text / data.



All neccessary files are located in the /src folder. The /src/lib folder contains the TextBox class for import and a SSD1306-OLED-Driver and a ST7735R-TFT-Driver. The /lib folder needs to be copied onto the RPI using Thonny. The other files in the /src directory are complete examples demonstrating the use of TextBox on OLED / TFT displays.

Import TextBox and drivers in your programm:

import ssd1306 # OLED driver
from ST7735R import ST7735R # TFT driver
from TextBox import TextBox, TextBoxOLED, TextBoxTFT # TextBox
from machine import Pin, I2C, SPI # Needed to initialize the displays


First, the displays need to be initialized to obtain a display object. I use a simple class for that.

Initialize OLED Display
"""OLED Display
VCC --> VBUS Pin 36 (3.3V)
GND --> Pin Nr. 3"""
DISPLAY_SDA_PIN = const(26)
DISPLAY_SCL_PIN = const(27)

class OLED:
    def __init__(self, scl_pin, sda_pin):
        self.scl_pin = scl_pin
        self.sda_pin = sda_pin
        self.width  = 128
        self.height = 64
        # Make sure to use the correct I2C instance (0 or 1)
        # according to pin map
        self.i2c = I2C(DISPLAY_I2C_INSTANCE,scl=Pin(self.scl_pin),
                       sda=Pin(self.sda_pin), freq = 2000000)
        self.display = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(self.width, self.height, self.i2c)

    # Returns display object. 
    def display_object(self):
        return self.display
    def clear(self):
Initialize TFT Display
"""TFT Display
VCC --> VBUS Pin 36 (3.3V)
GND --> Pin Nr. 3"""
TFT_MISO_PIN = None # --> not needed
TFT_CLK_PIN = const(2)  # --> SCK
TFT_MOSI_PIN = const(3) # --> SDA
TFT_RST_PIN = const(4) # --> RES
TFT_DC_PIN = const(5) # --> DC
TFT_CS_PIN = const(6) # --> CS
TFT_BLK_PIN = const(7) # --> Backlight

class TFT():
    def __init__(self, clk, mosi, miso, cs, dc, rst, blk):
        self.width = 128
        self.height = 160
        self.dc = Pin(dc, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
        self.cs = Pin(cs, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
        self.rst = Pin(rst, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
        self.blk = Pin(blk, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP)
        # Turn on backlight.
        # Brightness may be controlled by PWM.
        self.spi = SPI(0, baudrate = 15625000, polarity = 0, phase = 0, sck = Pin(clk),
                   mosi = Pin(mosi), miso = miso)
        self.display = ST7735R(self.spi, self.cs, self.dc, self.rst,
                   height = self.height, width = self.width)
    # Returns display object.    
    def display_object(self):
        return self.display
    def clear(self):

Initialize display and pass the display object to TextBox. Initialization is slightly different for OLED and TFT.

    """ Use with OLED display:
    Initialize OLED display, then initialize first TextBox and pass display handle. """
    BOX_1 = TextBoxOLED(OLED.display_object(), caption = 'Box 1', pos = 0)

    """ Use with TFT display:
    Initialize TFT display, then initialize first TextBox and pass display handle. """
    TFT = TFT(clk = TFT_CLK_PIN, mosi = TFT_MOSI_PIN, miso = TFT_MISO_PIN,
                     cs = TFT_CS_PIN, dc = TFT_DC_PIN, rst = TFT_RST_PIN,
                     blk = TFT_BLK_PIN)

    BOX_1 = TextBoxTFT(TFT.display_object(), caption = 'Ambient Data', pos = 5,
                        fg_color = (0, 255, 0), bg_color = ((0,) * 3))

After initialization, the same commands apply to the OLED and the TFT version.

Add lines

When creating lines, a handle is returned representing each line. The handle can be used to address individual lines for later updates or deletion. After all lines are added, call the show() command to draw the box. The dimensions of the box are calculated automatically.

    """ Same commands for use with OLED and TFT displays """
    line_1 = BOX_1.add_line('A')
    line_2 = BOX_1.add_line('B')

Update lines

Call TextBox.update_line(line_handle, 'New Text') to update the content of a line or TextBox.update_caption('New Caption'). Only the FrameBuffer of the line is updated to enhance performance. An update of the whole screen is not neccessary.

    """ Same commands for use with OLED and TFT displays """
    BOX_1.update_line(line_1, 'New Text')
    BOX_1.update_caption('New Caption')

Delete lines

Call TextBox.delete_line(line_handle) to delete a line. The size of the TextBox is adjusted automatically and the order of the remaining lines is preserved. This causes the whole TextBox to be redrawn.

    """ Same commands for use with OLED and TFT displays """

Invert lines

Call TextBox.invert_color(line_handle) to swap the foreground and the background color of a text line. This can be used to highlight a line.

    """ Same commands for use with OLED and TFT displays """

Box position and height

The vertical position and the height of a TextBox can be obtained via TextBox.box_y and TextBox.box_h . This can be used to position a second box underneath an existing box.

    """ Same commands for use with OLED and TFT displays """
    # Calculate position of second box.
    # Place it five pixel below first box.
    pos_2 = BOX_1.box_y + BOX_1.box_h + 5



OOP example. Create simple TextBoxes on OLED/TFT Displays using Micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico








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