Backend Genesis is a TypeScript + Express.js boiler-plate that you can use for your web or mobile application. It comes bundled with a few packages that makes your development work easier, faster, and cleaner.
The goal of Backend Genesis is to simply reduce or eradicate the amount of time you spend building your developer enviroment for every new project you jump on, and just get you started.
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- Cross-Origon Resource-Sharing enabled using CORS
- Package management with NPM
- Secured HTTP Headers using Helmet
- Testing with Jest
- Logging with morgan
- Code formatter using Prettier
- App testing using Jest
| |
│ ├───controllers/ // Contains logic for handling incoming requests
| |
│ ├───errors/ // Contains custom error cases for your application
| |
| ├───interface/ // Contains interfaces defining the structure of your data
| |
| ├───models/ // Contains models representing your data (often database related)
| |
| ├───routes/ // Contains routes that map URLs to controller functions
| |
| ├───app.ts // Main application entry point
| |
│ └───server.ts // Starts the Express server
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── package.json.lock
- Clone the Repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd backend-genesis
npm install
- Start the Development Server
npm run dev # to compile and run in development mode using nodemon
npm start # to compile and run in production mode
npm compile # to compile the TS files in watch mode (during developemnt only)
Variable | Default Value | Use |
DB | - | Connection to a database |
CLIENT_PORT | 3000 | Allows Resource Sharing with CORS |
Common Issues:
Installation Errors: Check npm logs for specific errors and refer to relevant documentation. Server Not Starting: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed correctly. Double-check any configuration issues, and also check to see if specified port is already in use.
Reporting Bugs:
Create an issue on the project's GitHub repository with clear steps to reproduce the bug.
We welcome contributions from the community to help improve this project! Here are some guidelines to get you started:
- Read the project documentation to understand the goals and architecture.
- Check the issue tracker to see if your proposed change or feature is already being worked on.
- Start small by fixing typos, adding comments, or addressing minor bugs to get familiar with the codebase.
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
- Follow the project's coding style and conventions.
- Write clear, concise commit messages explaining your changes.
- Submit a pull request with your changes.
- Explain the purpose and scope of your changes in the pull request description.
- Be responsive to any feedback or requests for changes from maintainers.
Report bugs or request features by opening a new issue.
Improve the documentation by fixing typos or adding clarification